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Home Locker Password Manager General Features Autofill Autofill in an iframe
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Autofill in an iframe

What is an iframe?

An iframe is a smaller screen embedded inside a website. Iframes are commonly used to incorporate various types of media, such as videos, maps, and other interactive elements, within a web page.

By specifying the source (URL) of the media within the iframe, the content will be embedded and displayed within a designated area of the web page.

Autofill in an iframe

Locker has the ability to automatically fill in the iframe that are part of a website you're using. This makes it convenient and efficient for you to access and interact with different parts of the website without having to manually input your information multiple times.

Note: Autofill on iframes can potentially introduce security risks due to unsafe iframes. By default, Locker doesn't allow autofill on iframes. You can change this in the Locker Extension's Settings.

To turn on autofill on iframes:

  1. Log in on the Locker Extension.
  1. Navigate to the Settings tab > click Enable Autofill.
    1. Notion image
  1. Choose the option Always autofill on all iframes on a website.
    1. Notion image
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