Locker Secrets Manager

Learn how to protect, manage, and access sensitive secrets for your applications and services with Locker.

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Locker Secrets Manager

Learn how to protect, manage, and access sensitive secrets for your applications and services with Locker.

What is Locker Secrets Manager?

Locker is a secrets manager that lets you store, manage, and access sensitive information such as passwords, API keys, tokens, certificates, and more. Whether you are an IT student, professional developer, or business owner, Locker is here to help.

Guideline: Remove leaked secrets from source code

Storing sensitive data directly in source code (secrets hardcoding) is a security vulnerability. If the source code is accidentally exposed or through server file-read attacks, these secrets can be collected by attackers, leading to unauthorized access to related systems.


Import, export, and back up your organization’s data.

Import data to Locker SM

Importing files of secrets from other secrets managers, or applications to Locker Secrets Manager helps you move to Locker faster to secure your secrets.

Export Locker SM data

Export secrets from Locker to protect your data when needed.

Set up SMTP Email Settings

On self-hosted Locker Secrets Manager, workspace admins can set up SMTP Email to automatically send any notification to their workspace members via email address.

Workspace Management

Establish a workspace for your organization.

Create and manage workspaces

A workspace is a typical working area in Locker Secrets Manager built up for teams and organizations’ members. Each workspace is independent.

View Event Logs

Locker allows you to audit the access logs of any project throughout your workspace to manage your members’ usage of secrets. Follow the instructions below to view all events in your workspace.

Workspace Members

Manage workspace members on Cloud Secrets Manager

With a Cloud account of Locker Secrets Manager, you can create your own workspace and invite other Locker users to your workspace. This helps you and your team collaborate effectively during the development process.

Manage workspace members on Self-hosted Secrets Manager

On the self-hosted version of Locker Secrets Manager, you can create new member accounts and grant your team members to access your workspace. This helps you and your team collaborate effectively during the development process.

Project Management

Where to store groups of secrets and manage access of your organization members.

Create, edit, and delete projects

A project refers to a collection of secrets and environments that are stored together logically and securely within the Locker Secrets Manager and can be accessed by your development team members.

Add, edit, and remove project members

Adding members to a project allows them to access all secrets inside that project. You can add any member within your workspace to a project you created, or to a project where you are designated as the Project Admin.

View Access Logs

Access logs show information about actions and events made from Locker CLI or Locker SDKs to the secrets within a particular project, using the project access keys.

Secrets Management

A set of tools to secure, manage, and access secrets and sensitive credentials.

Add and manage Secrets

Secrets refer to sensitive information such as passwords, API token, database credentials, or any other confidential data that is used to access and protect various resources in your software project.

Add and manage Environments

An environment is where the code in a software project is executed. It allows you to track deployments of your application. Secrets that are stored in an environment are only available to workflow jobs that reference that environment.

Add and manage Access Keys

Access keys provide programmatic access to, and the ability to decrypt, edit, and create secrets from the Locker CLI or Locker SDKs. You can have a maximum of two active access keys for a project at a time.


Get to know the pricing and payment policy of the Locker Secrets Manager.

Billing Policy for Personal

The Professional plan of Locker Secrets Manager requires upfront monthly billing based on the project's and secrets' usage in a specific workspace.

Billing Policy for Business

Locker Secrets Manager provides two solution for businesses: a cloud-based solution and a self-hosted solution. The two solutions have different billing policies.

Installation docs

Install or update to the latest version of Locker Secrets to get started.

Infrastructure dependencies

Infrastructure dependencies you need to know to set up the Locker Secrets Manager on your self-hosted server.


Configuration to set up the Locker Secrets Manager on your self-hosted server.

Deployments guides

Detailed deployment guide for Locker Secrets Manager


Installing and configuring dependencies


Detailed deployment guide for Locker Secrets Manager

Developer tools

Get up and run with SDKs, API keys, and integration tools.

Locker Secrets commands (CLI)

Locker Secrets features a command-line interface (CLI) that wraps common functionality and formats output. The Locker Secrets CLI is a single static binary. It is a wrapper around the HTTP API.









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