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Installing and configuring dependencies


If you intend to use SQLite please skip this step

To install the MySQL server files, run the following:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install mysql-server

To start the MySQL service:

sudo systemctl start mysql.service

Let's set a password for the MySQL root user.

Connect to MySQL:

sudo mysql

Use the following command to create user and password:

mysql> ALTER USER "locker_secrets"@"%" IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY "password";

Now create the database with the same name:

mysql> CREATE DATABASE locker_secrets;

And grant permissions for the user on that database:

mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON locker_secrets.* TO 'locker_secrets'@'%';


To install Nginx, run the following:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install nginx 

Running the Locker secrets API

Create a folder for Locker secrets API deployment:

mkdir locker_api && cd locker_api

Write an .env file with content as below:


If you choose SQLite as the database, you need to mount volume to avoid losing data after container restart, for example create a folder name db

mkdir db

Run the docker command, replace api_port and web_socket_port with custom values.

docker run --env-file .env -p[

Configure Nginx and HTTPS: create a file named api inside the folder /etc/nginx/sites-enabled with the following content.

server {
    listen       [

Restart Nginx service

sudo service nginx restart

Now the Locker secrets API is up and running at https://locker_secrets_api_domain:[nginx_port]

Running the Locker secrets Web

Create a folder for Locker secrets Web deployment

mkdir locker_web && cd locker_web

Write an .env file with content as below


Run the docker command, replace web_port with a custom value.

docker run --env-file .env --restart always -p[

Configure Nginx and HTTPS, create a file named web inside the folder /etc/nginx/sites-enabled with the following content

server {
    listen       [

Restart Nginx service

sudo service nginx restart

Now the Locker secrets Web is up and running at https://locker_secrets_web_domain:[nginx_port]

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