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Home Locker Secrets Manager Get Started Project Management View Access Logs
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View Access Logs

Access logs show information about actions and events made from Locker CLI or Locker SDKs to the secrets within a particular project, using the project access keys. Access logs are displayed for the last 30 days.

Note: Only Project Admins and Project Regulars can view the access logs of a project.
  1. Open the project you would like to view access logs. Click the Access Logs tab on the left navigation bar.
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  1. You will see a list of access logs, including the following information:
  • Access Key ID: ID of the access keys used on Locker CLI or Locker SDKs.
  • IP Address: IP Address where the access keys were used.
  • Access Type: Permission of the access keys, which is Read or Write.
  • Access Time: Date and time when the access keys were used.
  • Location: Geographical location where the access keys were used.
  • Client: Application that made requests to the Locker Secrets Manager server.
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  1. You can also filter the access type of keys or client to view the corresponding access logs.
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