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Home Locker General Login & Unlock Log in to a Self-hosted account Why you Password is important
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Why you Password is important

Why your Password is so important?

Your Password is the primary key to decrypt your vault. Without this key, your vault data is encrypted, meaningless strings. You are the ONLY one to know your password, and Locker can not help reset your password so you should never forget it.

A password should be strong enough to protect your data. It should include at least 12 letters and contains special symbols.

Can’t think of a strong password? Use our Password generator tool.

Worrying about forgetting your master password? Try setting up a password hint. Once requested, Locker will send you an email with the Password hint to help you retrieve your memory.

Set up a Password Hint

When you change your current password to a new one, set a Password hint along.

  1. Direct to the Password Change form on the Password Manager or Secrets Manager.
  1. On the form, enter your current password to continue.
  1. Enter your new password and set a password hint. You should not directly enter your password to the Hint field, but enter some words that remind you of your password. Only you should understand what the hint indicates.
    1. Notion image
  1. Click Save to save the changes.

Use a Password Hint

When you forget your password and can not log in to your account, the Password hint will be useful as it will help you remember your Password.

  1. On the login form of Locker Password Manager or Secrets Manager, click the Forgot your password? button.
  1. Enter your email, which is associated with your Locker account to get the hint.
  1. The password hint will be sent to your email address. Now open your mail box and view the hint you’ve set before.
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