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Home Locker Maily What is Maily?
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What is Maily?

What is Maily?

Maily is a private email service that offers enhanced features including encryption, anonymity, and data protection. With Maily, you can generate and handle multiple email aliases associated with your real email address, allowing for distinct usage purposes.

Unlike mainstream email services that may collect and share your personal information with third parties, Maily respects your privacy and gives you more control over your online communication.

Create a new account

To start exploring Maily, simply go to the Registration Page and sign up for a new account, and a unique Master Password.

Note: A Maily account is also a Locker account. You can choose to use Maily features separately, or you can give other Locker services a try as well.

After that, log in to the app. At the left navigation bar, click the Private Email tab to create your first email alias.

Explore use cases

There are multiple cases which you can use a Maily email alias for. As you create an alias for your Maily’s root email, you can:

  • Sign up for any online service securely: Instead of providing your real email address, you can use an alias to maintain anonymity and avoid potential data breaches or unauthorized access to your primary email account.
  • Organize your Email Inbox: You can create separate email aliases for different purposes or interactions. For example, you can have one alias for work-related emails, another for personal communication, and another for online shopping.
  • Enhance your online privacy: By using a private email alias, you keep your real email address hidden, thus reducing the risk of spam, phishing attempts, and unsolicited emails. You can manage the forwarded email types from each alias to keep your inbox clutter-free.
  • Easily handle temporary communication: If you need to communicate with someone temporarily or for a specific purpose, a private email alias can be handy. Once the purpose is fulfilled, you can delete the alias without affecting your primary email account.

Choose a solution for you

The features included in Maily Free and Maily Premium:

Maily Free
Maily Premium
Maximum concurrent aliases
5 aliases
Unlimited aliases
Editable alias
1 alias
Alias dashboard
Forwarded email type config
Custom subdomain
Start from $1.29/month. Learn more
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