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Home Locker General Get Started Back up and restore your Locker data
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Back up and restore your Locker data

Back up data

Your data in Locker Vault is backed up regularly on our server. You can also manually export your data to back up the current version.

On Locker Web Vault and Desktop app

Go to the Settings tab > Import/Export > Export Items

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Select whether to export to a CSV file or Json file. Then enter Master Password to confirm exporting.

On Locker Mobile app

Go to the Menu tab > Settings > Export Data

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Select whether to export to a CSV file or Json file. Then enter Master Password to confirm exporting.

Restore data

On Locker Web Vault and Desktop app

To restore an item that has been deleted within 30 days, go to the Trash tab > Hover over the item you want to restore > Click on the 3-dot button at the Actions column.

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Then select Restore.

On the Locker Mobile app

Go to the Browse tab > Select Trash > Select the item you want to Restore. Then select Restore

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