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Home Locker General Get Started
Get Started

General instructions to manage your Locker account and keep your data secure.

Feedback about Locker

Our Locker team always wants to hear from you to improve our service.

About Customer Support

Our Locker’s Support team is always available whenever you need our assistance. If you have any questions or concerns about a product, you may find several ways to get help.

Supported languages

Locker provides services in two languages and is going to support multiple languages. The languages that are currently supported include: English and Vietnamese.

Set up a Locker account

Looking for something to secure your passwords, automatically fill in credentials, or simply give peace of mind when surfing the Internet? Well, Locker is the solution to all your needs, and what’s left to do is to get your Locker account ready.

Delete Locker account

Deleting your Locker account means deleting all your data in Vault, and you can no more log in to your account.

Back up and restore your Locker data

Your data in Locker Vault is backed up regularly on our server. You can also manually export your data to back up the current version.

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