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Home Locker Password Manager Locker for Business User Management Member status transition
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Member status transition

The status of members in your Locker for Business package will be automatically updated by the system after the functions of Inviting Members, Accepting Invitations, and Join Requests are performed. This helps Admin and Primary Admin track and manage the account status of members for appropriate adjustments.

The member status transitions in Locker for Business include:

Invited Status

The Invited status will be set immediately after the Admin and Primary Admin successfully perform the invitation feature to join Locker for Business. At this point, the list of invited people will display the Invited status in the Status column in the Invitations section under the Members section in the left navigation bar of the screen.

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Confirmed Status

After a user is invited to join the Locker for Business by the Primary Admin or Admin if they accept the invitation, their account status will be changed from Invited to Confirmed. Once the Confirmed status is set, the user can start operating as a member within Locker.

The Confirmed status will be displayed in the Status column for members who have joined the Locker for Business under the Activity section of the Members section.

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Requested Status

When an Admin or Primary Admin adds a new domain to Locker for Business: In the case of manual approval, if the email address with the added domain is registered successfully after creating a personal Locker account, the system will send an email requesting the user to join the Locker for the business to the Admin/Primary Admin for them to approve the user's request to join. At this point, the user's account will be in the Requested status.

Blocked Status

The Blocked Users status appears when a user fails to log in to the Locker multiple times. Depending on the Failed Login Blocking policy set by the Primary Admin/Admin, the user's account will be blocked for 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 12 hours, etc. The Blocked Users status helps the Primary Admin/Admin monitor suspicious login attempts and take necessary actions to protect their business.

The Blocked Users status will be displayed in the Status column under the Blocked Logins section of the Members page.

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